We Play Hard. We Play Fair.

We Play To Win.

Employment Law For Employees And Employers

At Restovich Braun & Associates, we have extensive experience in representing both employers and employees in various employment law matters. As a result, this makes us better equipped to represent your interests.

Our employment law attorneys understand how issues that arise through your employment, or employment of others, affects every area of your life and those close to you. We are committed to resolving your employment matter for you through vigorous and compassionate representation.

With over 25 years’ experience, we know how to effectively evaluate your case as an employee and help employers take prophylactic steps to understand and comply with various state and federal regulatory requirements.

We practice in the following areas of employment law:

  • Illegal discrimination (gender, race, religion, sexual orientation)
  • Employment contracts
  • Employment handbooks
  • Failure to pay wages
  • Noncompete and nondisclosure agreements
  • Retaliatory discharge
  • Sexual harassment in the workplace
  • Unemployment appeals
  • Wrongful denial of benefits
  • Wrongful termination

If you have an employment law problem or question, please reach out to the experienced employment law attorneys at Restovich Braun & Associates today. Feel free to contact us online or call 507-218-2004. From our office in Rochester, Minnesota, we help employees and employers throughout southeastern Minnesota.