We Play Hard. We Play Fair.

We Play To Win.

What To Expect From Minnesota Probate

You think you’ve created something capable of lasting after you’re gone, but what happens when your inheritors decide your estate plans could still use some work? If you’re not careful, this difference of opinion might lead to a will dispute that prevents your inheritors from benefiting the way you intended.

Southeastern Minnesota has a long history of rich culture and family ties. Restovich Braun & Associates has been an integral part of such traditions for more than 25 years. We play hard, but we play fair, and we’re always redefining what it means to win in estate planning matters. To us, it’s about more than the mere pursuit of favorable judgments: We also work to help you make plans that avoid common pitfalls.

What Should You Know About Probate?

When you create a will or similar estate plan, it doesn’t necessarily go into effect automatically. The probate process is a formal legal procedure where a court confirms that a will is:

  • In accordance with your intentions because you created it of your own volition and didn’t cancel or override it with a subsequent will
  • Valid and compliant with Minnesota requirements
  • Reflective of the actual assets in your estate
  • Created without the specter of problems such as fraud or coercion

Probate processes are essential because they strengthen your heirs’ legal ties to the properties you wish to leave behind. Not all probate proceedings are the same, however, and challenges can slam your estate with court fees that diminish its efficacy. At Restovich Braun & Associates, our attorneys work diligently to ensure that your estate’s planning and administration proceed as smoothly as possible to minimize any negative impacts.

How To Deal With A Will Contest

You won’t be around to settle the score if one of your inheritors contests your will or probate specifications. The best strategy is to plan your administration in detail. By clearly defining the terms of your estate, you can head off disputes before they become an issue.

If you want to build a truly useful inheritance, then you won’t let a limited perspective stand in your way. Learn more about planning for probate by chatting with a knowledgeable lawyer today. For more information about probate litigation or the grounds for contesting a will, contact Restovich Braun & Associates in Rochester today by calling 507-218-2004 or completing our online inquiry form.