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We Play To Win.

Coming To Terms With Your Minnesota Alimony Obligations

You’re getting divorced, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Divorce can be an opportunity to begin living life again and enjoy a fresh start. What you’re not looking forward to, however, is the prospect of having to pay alimony or fighting your ex to get them to pay it.

When people get divorced, it can throw a massive wrench in their plans. Even though separation is often the healthiest option for struggling couples, few people plan for what comes next, and alimony often becomes a necessity. At Restovich Braun & Associates, our experienced family law attorneys have been working to help Rochester and southeastern Minnesota residents get through marital splits more easily. Since our start in 1992, we’ve been helping people on both sides of a relationship adapt to huge life changes and keep going strong.

Understanding The Alimony Equation

Alimony needs to work for both parties: For payments to fulfill their intended purpose as “spousal maintenance” that offers reliable income for the recipient, they must be fixed at amounts that the provider can consistently pay. When computing what’s appropriate, court-ordered alimony arrangements account for factors like:

  • What the spouse in need of alimony will lose by getting divorced and their financial resources
  • The length of the marriage
  • The financial and property contributions of each party
  • Whether the spouse that provides maintenance can actually satisfy the requirements

Our lawyers are of the opinion that you should be able to make the most of alimony regardless of whether you’re receiving or providing it. At Restovich Braun & Associates, we play fair, but we also play to win, and we’re ready to advocate on your behalf so your alimony arrangement is as sustainable as it can be.

Different Alimony Orders For Different Situations

In addition to looking at factors like the standard of living to which you’ve become accustomed during your marriage and each party’s financial, physical and emotional condition, courts will determine which type of alimony order is appropriate given the situation. For instance, some orders are temporary, which means they only last while the divorce is still in progress. Others persist for a brief period following the finalization of the divorce. When marriages last more than a decade or involve spouses that can’t support themselves, courts may hand down permanent orders.

Which kind of alimony is right for you and your spouse? It’s critical to plan for your future needs, not just the here and now. Send us a message online, or call the Restovich Braun & Associates offices at 507-218-2004 to discuss your options for seeking a more forward-thinking divorce.