Drowsy driving is a hazardous practice that can lead to injurious or fatal road accidents. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), 633 deaths occurred in drowsy driving-related crashes in 2020. Drowsy driving is an entirely preventable...
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Car Accidents
Essential safety tips for winter driving
As a Minnesota driver, you know about the dangers of winter driving. For a significant part of the year, you must deal with snow, ice and freezing temperatures that affect the performance of your vehicles. The National Safety Council provides valuable tips to prepare...
Can car accident victims recover compensation for lost earnings?
A serious motor vehicle collision often results in catastrophic injuries that might take weeks, months or years to fully heal. A victim might require surgery, an extended hospital stay, expensive prescription medication or lengthy physical therapy to cope with...
3 signs of a hidden injury after a car accident
Depending on numerous contributing factors, motor vehicle collisions can result in devastating property damage and catastrophic injuries. From factors such as the angle of the collision to the occupant’s position in the vehicle, the collision can result in broken...
Common causes of truck accidents
Although they are the largest vehicles on the road, many drivers are taking their safety for granted around semi-trucks. Despite the advances in vehicle safety technology, trucking fatalities are at a 30-year high. There are many preventable causes of trucking...
Five things every driver needs to know about car accidents
Going through a car accident can be overwhelming. You go from driving your vehicle to hearing the sounds of metal and crunching plastic as the cars collide. It can be challenging to think clearly about what you need to do as you process your injuries, the damage and...
Injured in a crash? What you need to know about comparative fault
If someone makes a mistake or drives negligently, and they cause a crash that injures someone else, it’s common sense that the injured party should be able to recover their medical expenses and other damages from the responsible party. But often, the case isn’t so...
Are teens or seniors better drivers?
Regardless of driver age, car accidents are a leading cause of injury in the U.S. In fact, each year, roughly 4.4 million Americans require emergency medical care due to motor vehicle crashes. Still, drivers in some age groups have a greater chance of causing a...
After a crash, do not let your body’s stress response trick you
Car accidents are inherently stressful events. If you have had a collision with another motorist, though, you do not want your body’s stress response to interfere with your ability to seek compensation from whomever caused the accident. Following any type of...
Inexperience results in risky driving for teenagers
Most teenagers are ecstatic the day they pass their driving test, but others should be wary. Teenagers make up the age group that has more motor vehicle accidents than any other drivers. Most accidents occur because teens lack the experience necessary to deal...